Sunday, October 25, 2009

Novel Components

The Scapegoat = Lucan ... He was executed for being the head of a conspiracy against Nero. Some ring leader had to die and he was the last. He was one of the leading men in Rome as a poet. When he was about to die he mocked the Praetorian Guard saying "... there was never a conspiracy. You made this all up, and set up so many traps that we could not help but be seen as having this plan."
The Hero and Task = Tigellinus ... He is the hero because he saves Rome. He does this with intense superhuman skill of deduction and trickery. Although he ends up being wrong according to Lucan he gets praised by Nero for Saving his life. " Himself demands you carve a full-length statue of me and place it in the Forum, subsequently to Military Triumphal Honors to be awarded to me in a few days" by Tigellinus after being told of his honors from Himself.
Himself = It is not when a person is talking about themselves or others personality. It is what Nero, the Emperor is called.
Nose = When Tigellius and Paenus discuss the size and shape of peoples noses, as they do rather often they are not literally discussing nose size but the greed of that person. It also goes out to there attitudes and sneakiness men with large noses are untrustworthy and must be watched.
The mood is always suspicious right up to the end. The letters are always asking about plots and setting up ways to catch wrongdoers. They also discuss arrangements that Nero wants but mainly between Paenus and Tigellinus are all about plots. "I fear I must confess that I have previously heard whispered in various places most of the slander and filth that came out here." This is from Paenus discussing the gossip going around.

The Main Character: Tigellinus

American Dream -
His American dream would be a place with out corruption and conspiracy. A place where the people are treated better by their emperor so that those people have greater respect and love for him. This place he could believe what informants say. "I am suspicious of this informant. Could you not see his ill-concealed enjoyment.."and "Is there always one who wishes to overthrow what we have done?"
Sense of Place -
Tigellinus sees the world as centralized in Rome. The emperor should be loved by the upper class people not conspired against. His job is to protect the emperor as he is co-commander of the pretorian guard and he takes his job seriously. He is to remain loyal to Himself no matter what goes wrong. "Rome is it's very heart", "Nero has brough us a unique and infuriating rule to those of noble birth", and "These heathens will not over run the administration."
Physical Geography -
The setting is in Classical Rome. 64AD when emperor Nero is on the throne. The book is all letters written back and forth between many servants and Tigellinus. There is to be a huge party for Nero at a golden palace and the other location described is a senators mansion in which the poets conspire. "64 AD September 15 - May 5" and "The Perfect City of Nero."
Intellectual Geography -
Tigellinus is always on the watch for any attempts or plans at assassinating Nero. He thinks this way because past emperors were assassinated in a variety of different ways and Nero has not proven to be the most liked emperor. Tigellinus is fearful of Nero's wrath and makes sure everything goes smoothly. "Think, Paenus, how how the Caesars have died- three out of five violently; and possibly four" and "Give us a better divination. I mean clearer. And I mean more favorable. I know I shock you with these commands."

Background of the book

Title : The Conspiracy
Author : John Hersey
Published: 1972
Publishing Location: New York
Genre: Fiction
"Journalism allows its readers to witness history; fiction gives its readers an opportunity to live it." ~John Hersey
Recommendation :
I would not recommend this book to anyone who cannot take some slow parts. It is hard at first to figure out what is going on and also to remember names. It is an interesting format with the letters but it makes it harder to follow. If you like things that have a strong base in history this would be a good book because it is based on documents but if you don't or you need lots of action this would not be a good book for you. I liked it because it used funny descriptions.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Character List

(Order in which they appear in the book)
Name: Profession:
Paenus Tribune of Secret Police
Tigellinus Co-commander of Praetorian Guard
Celer Office of Planning and Construction
Canus Imperial Household
Ammiana Imperial Household
Balbillus Astrologer
Secretarian Messenger
Abascantus Imperial Treasury
Ippolite Imperial Household
Geminus Imperial Household
Faenus Rufus Co-commander Praetorian Guard
Marcus Lucanus Senator
Veianus Niger Tribune of Praetorian Guard
Flaccus Valens Praetor
Silius Nerva Consul
Atticus Vestinus Consul
Tullius Severus Senator
Valerius Flavus Senator
Sulpicius Castor Sculpture
Himself/ Nero Emperor